Mean Temperature Anomalies January 2023

January 2023

Temperature anomalies for January were predominantly cooler than normal throughout the eastern Caribbean. Trinidad and Dominica were between 0 o C and 0.25 o C warmer; Grenada 0 o C to 0.25 o C cooler; Barbados 0.25 o C cooler to 0.75 o C warmer southeast to northwest; Saint Lucia 0 o C to predominantly between 0.25 o C and 0.75 o C cooler; Martinique 0.75 o C cooler to 0.25 o C warmer; Guadeloupe 0 o C to 0.75 o C cooler; Antigua, St Kitts and St Croix between 0.25 o C and 0.75 o C cooler; St Maarten and St Thomas between 0 o C and 0.25 o C cooler. In the Guianas, conditions ranged from between 0.25 o C warmer and 1.50 o C cooler. Aruba was between 0.25 o C and 0.75 o C warmer. Curacao was between 0.25 o C and 1.50 o C cooler. Puerto Rico ranged from 0.75 o C cooler in the south to 1.50 o C warmer in the northwest. The Dominican Republic ranged from 0.25 o C cooler in western areas to 0.75 o C warmer in the east. Jamaica ranged between 0 o C and 1.50 o C warmer. Grand Cayman was between 0.25 o C and 0.75 o C warmer. Northern Bahamas ranged from 0.25 o C to 2.50 o C warmer. Belize was between -2.50 o C cooler in the south and 2.50 o C warmer in the north.

November 2022 to January 2023

Temperature anomalies were predominantly cooler than normal throughout the eastern Caribbean over the three month period. Trinidad was between 0 o C and 0.25 o C warmer; Grenada and St Maarten were between 0 o C and 0.25 o C cooler; Barbados was between 0.75 o C cooler in the southeast to 0.75 o C warmer in the northwest; Saint Lucia, Antigua, St Kitts and St Croix were between 0.25 o C and 0.75 o C cooler; Martinique was mostly 0 o C to 0.25 o C warmer ranging to 0.25 o C cooler in the south and to 0.75 o C warmer in the north; Guadeloupe was 0 o C to 0.75 o C cooler and St Thomas was predominantly 0 o C to 0.25 o C warmer ranging to 0.25 o C cooler in the extreme southeast. In the Guianas, temperatures ranged from between 0.75 o C cooler in northern areas of Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana and 0.75 o C warmer in central and eastern areas of Suriname and most of French Guiana. Aruba was between 0 o C and 0.75 o C warmer. Curacao was predominantly between 0.75 o C and 1.50 o C cooler ranging to 0.25 o C cooler in the north. Puerto Rico ranged from 1.50 o C cooler in the south to 1.50 o C warmer in northwestern and northeastern areas. The Dominican Republic ranged from mostly 0.25 o C cooler in western areas to 0.75 o C warmer in the east. Jamaica was mostly between 0 o C and 1.50 o C warmer. Grand Cayman was between 0.25 o C and 0.75 o C warmer. Northern Bahamas and Belize were between 0.25 o C and 2.50 o C warmer.

August 2022 to January 2023

Mixed temperature anomalies prevailed throughout the eastern Caribbean over the six month period. Trinidad, Martinique, Dominica and St Thomas ranged from between 0 o C and 0.75 o C warmer ; Grenada 0 o C to 0.25 o C warmer; Barbados ranged from 0.25 o C cooler to 0.75 o C warmer southeast to northwest; Saint Lucia, St Kitts and St Croix 0 o C to 0.75 o C cooler; Guadeloupe 0.25 o C warmer to 0.75 o C cooler; Antigua 0.25 o C to 0.75 o C cooler; St Maarten ranged from 0 o C to 0.25 o C cooler. In the Guianas, temperatures ranged from 0.25 o C cooler in southwestern Guyana and northeast central Suriname to 0.75 o C warmer in most of Suriname and French Guiana. Aruba ranged from 0 o C to predominantly between 0.25 o C and 0.75 o C warmer. Curacao ranged from 0.25 o C to 1.50 o C cooler. Puerto Rico ranged from 0.75 o C cooler in the south to 1.50 o C warmer in the northeast. The Dominican Republic ranged from mostly 0.25 o C cooler in western and  central areas to 0.75 o C warmer in the east. Jamaica was between  0 o C and 0.25 o C warmer. Grand Cayman was 0.25 o C to 0.75 o C warmer. Northern Bahamas ranged from 0 o C to 2.50 o C warmer and Belize ranged from 0 o C to predominantly between 0.25 o C and 0.75 o C warmer.

February 2022 to January 2023

Temperature anomalies throughout the eastern Caribbean were mixed over the twelve month period. Trinidad , Martinique and Dominica ranged from between 0 o C and 0.75 o C warmer; Grenada 0 o C to 0.25 o C warmer; Barbados from 0.25 o C cooler to 0.75 o C warmer; Saint Lucia and St Kitts 0 o C to 0.75 o C cooler; Guadeloupe  ranged from 0.25 o C warmer to 0.75 o C cooler; Antigua ranged from 0.25 o C to 0.75 o C cooler and St Maarten , St Croix and St Thomas ranged from 0 o C to 0.25 o C cooler. Temperatures in the Guianas were mostly between 0 o C and 0.25 o C warmer in Guyana ranging up to 0.75 o C warmer in most of Suriname and French Guiana and to 0.75 o C cooler in northeast central Suriname. Aruba was between 0.25 o C and 0.75 o C warmer. Curacao ranged to between 0.25 o C and 1.50 o C cooler. Puerto Rico ranged from between 0 o C and 1.50 o C warmer. The Dominican Republic was predominantly between 0 o C and 0.25 o C warmer ranging to 0.25 o C cooler in the extreme southeast. Jamaica ranged from between 0 o C and 0.75 o C warmer. Grand Cayman was 0.25 o C to 0.75 o C warmer. Northern Bahamas ranged from 0.25 o C to 2.50 o C warmer and Belize ranged from 0 o C to 0.75 o C warmer in central areas.  

Mean Temperature for January 2023

Mean Temperature for the Period February 2022 to January 2023



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