Climate change and increasing climate variability are having adverse effects on climate sensitive socio-economic sectors on Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS). These impacts are expected to grow in the future if appropriate cost-effective adaptation strategies are not implemented. Adapting to climate change and increasing variability requires that the best information on past, current and future climate be available to support decision-making in the Caribbean. The goal of the Caribbean RCC is to support the region’s socio-economic development by generating suites of user defined climate products and services to inform risk-based decision-making in climate sensitive sectors at the national and regional levels across the Caribbean.
Climate Monitoring
Long Range Forecasts
Climate Bulletins
Data Services
Glossary of Technical Terms
Bulletins of the Caribbean Regional Climate Centre commonly use technical terms from Climatology. A list of these terms is available.

Building Regional Climate Capacity in the Caribbean
The Programme for Building Regional Climate Capacity in the Caribbean (BRCCC) was established to facilitate the development of the World Meteorological Organization’s Regional Climate Centre for the Caribbean to be housed at the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) through: (i) infrastructure development, (ii) increasing the range of products and services delivered to stakeholders, (iii) enhancement of human and technical capacities at CIMH and in National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in the Caribbean, and (iv) improvement of service delivery mechanisms to national, regional and international stakeholders.
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