Looking Back: November 2024 to January 2025
- The transition between wet season and dry season was wetter than usual in northern Belize, the southeastern Dominican Republic, St. Vincent and most of Trinidad.
- Conversely, rainfall deficits led to the development of short-term drought in Antigua, the northern and central Bahamas, southwest French Guiana and central portions of the coast of Guyana.
- The transition into and first half of the annual Cool Season in November and December to January, respectively, still featured 0.5-1.5ºC warmer than usual temperatures in many locations, including record warm temperatures in a few locations across the southern and eastern parts of the Caribbean.
- By contrast, temperatures have returned to the usual in most parts of the Bahamas and Cuba.
This Bulletin provides a broad overview of climate conditions up to 3 months in advance. It is based on insights drawn from CIMH’s suite of technical climate information products and epidemiological insights from CARPHA and PAHO. The information contained herein is provided with the understanding that the CARPHA, the PAHO and the CIMH make no warranties, either expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability or suitability of said information. The Bulletin may be freely used and disseminated by the public with appropriate acknowledgement of its source but shall not be modified in content and then presented as original material.