SAV Rainfall
At Sav in Jamaica, for a period of record spanning 1971 – 2014
average annual rainfall sum = 1784.4 mm
wettest year on record = 2963 mm of rainfall in 1990
driest year on record = 1041 mm of rainfall in 1976
wettest month on average = 235.3 mm of rainfall in August
wettest month on record = 800 mm of rainfall in June 1979
peak of wet season = Aug. to Oct. on average with an average of 695 mm of rainfall
wettest 3-month period on record = 1398 mm of rainfall in Aug. to Oct. 1983
driest month on average = 64 mm of rainfall in January
driest month on record = 0 mm of rainfall on multiple occasions
peak of dry season on average = Dec. to Feb. with 200.5 mm of rainfall
driest 3-month period on record = 26 mm of rainfall in Dec. to Feb. 2004
Below are links to charts of Monthly and Seasonal rainfall values. Click on each of the thumbnail images to see the respective full image.