Adrian Trotman M.Phil, M.Sc, B.Sc
(Chief of Applied Meteorology & Climatology)
Mr. Trotman, served as the head of the AM&C and RCC, since their inception. He has been with the CIMH since 1991, with particular focus on Agrometeorology and drought early warning and mitigation.

Cedric J. Van Meerbeeck Ph.D, M.Sc
Dr. Meerbeeck has been with the AMCS since 2011. Apart from his teaching and research in climate processes, Dr. J. Van Meerbeeck has been instrumental in re-establishing and leading the Caribbean Climate Outlook Forum (CariCOF).

Dr. Roché Mahon
Dr. Roché Mahon is the Social Science lead for the inter-disciplinary Climate Services programme of the World Meteorological Organization’s Regional Climate Centre for the Caribbean hosted at the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH). In this role, she works with a regional Consortium of climate and sectoral experts to co-design, co-develop and co-deliver tailored climate information products and services for six climate-sensitive sectors in 16 Caribbean countries. In 2012, Roché was the lead researcher and author of an UNISDR (now UNDRR) commissioned Background Paper for the 2013 Global Assessment Report (GAR). More recently, she has co-authored a Background Paper on Drought Risk Management in the Caribbean for the GAR 2021 with CIMH colleagues. Since 2017, Dr. Mahon has been the coordinating coauthor of the quarterly Caribbean Health-and Tourism Climatic Bulletins co-produced by the CIMH, the Caribbean Public Health Agency, the Pan American Health Organization, the Caribbean Tourism Organization and the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association, respectively. She was nominated in 2020 by the Caribbean Meteorological Organization to serve as the Focal Point for Integrated Health Services on behalf of the British Caribbean Territories on the World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) Service Commission Study Group on Health. In that year, she served on the International Jury of the WMO’s Inaugural International Weather Apps Awards 2020 launched in celebration of the organization’s 70th anniversary. Dr. Mahon is a Contributing Author to Chapter 15 (Small Islands) of Working Group II‘s contribution to the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report. Roché is a Commonwealth Scholar (2010-2013) who received her Ph.D. in Environmental Management with a focus on disaster risk management and climate change adaptation from Lincoln University in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Jodi-Ann Petrie
Jodi-Ann Petrie is Technical Officer 1 at CIMH. She works with a dynamic team of individuals in the Applied Meteorology and Climatology Section where she performs roles relating to drought and temperature monitoring. She supports climate services research and development activities. She also works under the sectoral EWISACTs portfolio where she performs functions relating to the provision of tailored sector-specific climate services for the region’s climate sensitive sectors, building national climate services capacity and down scaling climate information to the national level. Jodi-Ann also assists in the conduct of meteorological observations lending support to the core meteorological observers.

Shontelle Stoute M.Sc, B.Sc
Shontelle Stoute has been Technical Officer I with the CIMH since 2013 where she provides technical support to the Applied Meteorology and Climatology section. Mrs. Stoute oversees the Caribbean Society for Agricultural Meteorology (CARISAM) portal; assists with the production of monthly climate forecasts for the Caribbean Region; provides tailored climate information for the agricultural sector; prepares reports for various activities and workshops of the Applied Meteorology and Climatology Section; and assists with the RCC’s social media platform. Mrs Stoute also provides teaching support to the Meteorological and Hydrological sections of the CIMH in the area of Mathematics to the Senior Level Meteorological Technicians, the Entry Level Meteorological Technicians, and the Diploma in Hydrology.

Lisa Kirton-Reed B.Sc
Mrs. Kirton-Reed is responsible for the teaching of Statistical course at all levels and the practical sessions of Agrometeorology using INSTAT. She assists with production of the drought and temperature anomaly maps as well as precipitation Outlooks and the drought bulletin. She takes part in research conducted in RCC. She also provides assistance with the taking of weather Observations.

Andrea Applewhaite B.Sc
Andrea is currently Administrative Officer to the Agrometeorology and Climatology Section and provides administrative and financial management support for its programs and projects.

Wayne Depradine B.Sc
Mr. Depradine serves as the Data Manager of the RCC, with responsibility for the regional climate data archive of CIMH. He is responsible for maintenance and updating of the RCC website. He also acts as a weather observer, providing support to the core team of observers.

Sherika Alleyne
Sherika Alleyne has been with the CIMH since 2011 with the CDB project. Since the conclusion of this project Ms. Alleyne has been providing technical assistance to the Institute from 2014. She is a member of the core group of Meteorological Technicians. She currently assists with the management of the RCC website as well as the CariSAM portal. She also aids in the management of the WMO Sand and Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System (SDS-WAS) website hosted by CIMH and also the development of the Nonhydrostatic Mesoscale Model (NMM) website. Ms. Alleyne is a co-facilitator of CIMH’s annual summer camp and assists with the coordination of the RCC’s social media platform.

Lisa Agard
Ms. Agard currently provides technical assistance in climatology with data management, verification as well as daily weather observations. Being Supervisor of Observations for the last 5 years, she is responsible for the scheduling and coordinating of school tours.

Sharon Roach
Sharon Roach has been with CIMH’s AM&C department since 2010. She assists with weather observations, data entry/verification and school tours.